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Article VII If a case of urgency is involved, it shall rest with the State granting asylum to determine the degree of urgency of the case. .. other articles are supressed from This texto... Article XII Once asylum has been granted, the State granting asylum may request that the asylee be allowed to depart for foreign territory, and the territorial State is under obligation to grant Immediately, except in case of force majeure, the necessary guarantees, referred to In Article V, as well as the corresponding safe-conduct. Agreements » Inter-American Treaties » A-46 Text of the Convention Inter-American Treaties Text Signatories and Ratifications Back to the Inter-American Treaties home page INTER-AMERICAN CONVENTION ON AN INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR RADIO PERMIT (A-62) Signatories and Ratifications The governments of the Member States of the Organization of American States, desirous of concluding a Convention on Diplomatic Asylum This text sete extractos from internet publicado from website American States Organization-Haiti-Dominican-Canada:
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